"Everything Necessary Is Spoken In Silence"
"in this freedom of speech world, this undoubtedly massive world of easy access of knowledge and information, people are slowly, but gradually, forgetting the meaning of words. words become nothing more than just the art of speaking; nothing fancy just like they used to. words nowadays are easy to speak of, with no such essence in what they are trying to represent within each words that we utter. words have lost their meanings.
lovers utter love with no depths. lovers offer love under the dim moonlight and the cloudy sky of false hopes. lovers often mistake the feeling of bloom, of happy, of content, with the feeling of love. lovers often speak the word love, but lost the idea that love, and words themselves, are equals to promises. such a shame, words are not the only one that lost their meanings, gestures also. a simple glare sometime can be exaggerate into such the symbol of interest, whilst the one who sent the glare only thought of them like simple stare, no more, no less. people sometimes misinterpret the meaning of simple smile, people have high hopes that those simple smiles are equal to love, equal to affection, while maybe, the giver of those smiles only offer small kindness in the midday chaos."
wrote those when I was taking my exam. physics to be exact. I hate physics, or maybe I hate it because I don't really understand the subject? well, doesn't matter, what matter the most is this: I hope that I don't utter words that I don't mean. I hope that I don't brag about things and really mean them.
things in my life lately had been the hectic ones. and all of things had gone a bit to fast, perhaps faster than I expected them to be and so much tiring than I hoped them to be. all those maddening exams. I filled my days with exams, study, sleep and read fan fictions. yes, I'm drugged by Doctor Who and I'm reading the series' fan fictions in between study and exams. it had become a habit really, to read fan fictions by the end of the night and "awe"-ing and "ooooh"-ing and "fuck this, I want the relationship like this, too"s.