Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush

Dear you,

you know who you are and we shouldn't talk about your identity. but hear this, I liked you because of your personality and I like you for awhile. I thought I love you but of course, I didn't. I was only amazed by you. Those butterfly feelings and glitters were only just... sparkles, nothing more nothing less. I was amazed by you and your personalities. Although at times, I was afraid that I liked the idea of you not you yourself, but the idea of you, the mix personalities of you that I made in my mind as you. I know I sound very weird right now, but that's who I am. oh I can't think straight right now because there are many things that are in my mind and my mind could be quite dangerous. oh Gosh I'm bluffing right now. so, um, yeah... you are a part from my past.
I know I know, this letter challenge supposed to be in Tumblr, but its a letter challenge okay, not some picture challenge thingie.



Love this banget Diiiiil :3
AAAAA rasanya pengen gue kirim ke seseorang hahahahaha
idiiiiih hahahaha mau kirim ke siapa maaaay, kirim aja wuehehehe courtesy of moi ;)