Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet

you know how I am jealous of bunch of people lately? how I wish I could be in their places, talk to those beautiful-minded celebrities, but that's just lame, that's just a fan talking. now I'm going to write a letter for someone that I wish, with all my heart and my mind, I could meet. this is a letter, for someone out there that I don't know, for someone that's away from me, or maybe taken away from me, and, for such, a person I could meet.

Dear you,
I know I would sound totally weird and undeniably mental, but hear this... I want to know who you are. I want to know the person that has been taken away from me. I want to know you. I want to meet you. An explanation about you would be better than meeting you in person, but I want to know you better. I want to know who you are. A person that I sometimes ache in my heart that I don't even know who it is. That I don't even know why. A person that I wish I could talk to right now so that you won't leave me high and dry. Leave me here with everything but an explanation and memories. I'm a wreck, I know, that's what I am. But that doesn't mean you could just went away.

I know I sound impossible, but how could I not? My heart is more impossible, more impossible than a square root of a negative number, because it aches for something that doesn't exist, or rather something that my brain doesn't recognize, something unfamiliar in my brain's records of people/emotions/memories. You're something that ache in my heart, someone that screams in the dark when I feel somekind of loss, when I see something that felt like a left-over, when I see people who can't have something they want, something they need. You're a person that I couldn't see clearly, though your vague of soul still linger somewhere, somewhere that can make me aches, somewhere in my soul that has a hole. You overwhelmed me by emotionally, physically, and within memories, missing. But I couldn't explain how your presence still linger here, like the faintest touch of air in the middle of vacuum of nothingness. I couldn't explain myself. My heart couldn't explain to my brain how you, someone that I barely know, someone that still has the power to confuse me and make my heart ache. I don't know your identity, but I know this: you left me when I don't even want to, I let you go unwillingly. Who are you?



Dil, I love this so much. Eh, tp direfleksikan untuk siapa ya Dil? Masih rada kurang ngerti hehe
I don't know, too. its just that.... yaaaa gitu gitu deh hahahaha eeemmm aaaa I'm going mental. iya jadi I think I miss someone that I barely know jd gue gatau siapa. errr I know I've gone mental
Hahaha gakpapa tapi suka banget aaaaa semua tulisan lo pengen gue copy paste trus gue kasih ke pujaan hati ahahaha
hahahahahha yaudah gpp kasih aja ehehehe cieee may pujaan hatinya siapa tuh haha, gue jg pengen bisa ngasih ke pujaan hati cuma... eeem yaudah hahaha