How Do You Say "Thank You?"

-He was a very talented writer, songwriter, and sketch artist. Often wrote songs while he was driving to work.
-Rufus Wainwright's song "Matinee Idol" is about him.
-Was fluent in Spanish.

Can I have him for my birthday instead?
He's too kewl. I woof him. He's like Heath Ledger in his own decade. He made friends with the coolest people in the world, like Keanu Reeves, Harrison Ford and Michael Stipe (REM singer). People made songs attributed to him. He was howt. Awesome. I love him. <3<3

you were perfect today, julybug. I love you <3

and oh hear this from Ryan Reynolds's page in He was traveling in Indonesia with his former fiancée, Alanis Morissette, when the tsunami struck. They were uninjured since they were staying on the opposite end of the island from where the tsunami hit.
How "ehmagawd" is that?
