Yesterday, Rara, Betary and I went to PIM. We planned it since like hm, the day before, we were planning to go to Pasar Pagi or Pasar Baru but neither of us know where the place is so we went to PIM instead.
The day before, Rara went to my house and she sleepover at my house, we were laughing, websurfing, eating pizzas and pastas, love talk and reading minds and things. We slept at 4 am and woke up at 11 am and we thought that why not we go somewhere, well, we did.
We decided to go to PIM, then Rara got picked up by her father at 12 something. Then I took a shower and get ready then I went to Betary's house to picked them both. Then we went straight to PIM.
At pim we decided to watch movie:
the movie was ahmazing, you guys should watch it!
It was about saving the earth. All of these time we know that the Earth is dying, and if the Earth dies, so do we, right? So the alien (who played by the handsome Keanu Reeves) came into the Earth and tried to "confront" and "talk" to human. He came with this big humongous sphere and he has big giant black one-eyed robot. Keanu's character can do things, like manipulate electricity, bringing people from dead and other incredible things. When the sphere landed, the first person he met was siapaitunamanyacewekbentarguecheckdulu Jennifer Connelly. She was a astrobiologist (scientist that studies organism outside planet earth), she was recruited by her friend to studies the sphere, at first they thought that the sphere was not a sphere-shaped, but like asteroid-shaped or something and they also thought that the sphere was fire-covered, but no, it wasn't.
The conclusion was: SAFE THE EARTH, bahkan alien aja marah soalnya kita ngerusak bumi terus-terusan, alien sampe bikin conclusion di McDonald's pinggir jalan supaya ngehancurin bumi. Oui, Keanu and thechinesseguyfrombalssoffury decided in a McDonald's restaurant to destroy human race and all of it's things.
How? By using somekind of teeny tiny bugs that can eat all of things but not grass, trees or living things on Earth, by human as the exception.
There was a professor that said and I quoted (lupa apa yg benernya) "Manusia itu baru menyadari sesuatu ketika udah ada di tepi kehancuran" it was so much better when the professor and Keanu says it. And well, the ending was Keanu saves the human race and he came to his original planet.
Overall I just love the movie, and I'm in love with it more than I'm in love with Twilight. I'm freak about Twilight, but I care about Earth more than I want to be a vampire. And I wish to God to make Earth better more than I wish I was vampire. I need Earth more than I need vampire, well I need God too.
yesterday I bought THE CIRCUS. TAKE THAT NEWEST CD :) I was so happy about it. And also I saw Arifin Putra for the second time, he wore a green t, he was alone <3
The Circus, enviousness, imdb, Pink Floyd and Lollipop Bubblegum,
PS: why am I envy and jealous at people lately? Oh God, why?