I Guess I'll Call It a Life

I cut my hair impulsively. Well, not really. But it wasn't a month-thinking, it was more like "Okay my hair is long and doesn't have style, I should cut my hair. Oh and also I need bangs". But it turned out to be good. At first I was mad because I cut my hair to short but when I asked my friends, they seemed to not recognized that I've cut my hair at all.
I'm sick. Mentally and physically. Well, I'm tired mentally and sick physically. I've been drinking pills. I'm so tired right now. Tired mentally and physically. I want to be fine. I want to be healthy. I want to be... free.
Saturday is Nacil's dinner party, which I'm gonna attend. I've bought a special dress to attend her birthday dinner. Its not all pretty and all formal, just a good black dress. With shoulder-padded beads-covered. It's a bit mature way, but its a good and pretty darn cheap dress. But I miss shopping time with Mum. Haven't got anytime for daughter-mum shopping time. I think I'm gonna do it in Brightspot Market.

So anyway, since there's no other thing that I could talk about, signing off. x

found the picture at this link
