I want to know how it feels like to hold your hand at night
and how it feels like to wear your oversized button-down
how your collarbones smell like in the morning
how your hair smells like after shower in the middle of the night
how long your stubble needs to grow into beards
I want to know if you prefer the smell of rose over lily for your clothes
if you prefer to write on the bed, not on top of the kitchen table
if you prefer the black part of the oreo, and leave the cream part aside
if you have a favorite blanket when you were a kid
if you have a favorite store that sells the best ice cream in town
I want to know which book do you have in your library
is it Harry Potter or
Jane Austen's or
War And Peace or
Alice In Wonderland
I want to know do you have baggy clothes or fitted ones
do you have any secret tattoos
do you have any band t-shirts
do you have any guilty pleasure songs
do you have any favorite fictional characters
I want to know how it feels like to be your number one
and how it feels like to hold your heart
how it feels like to have your arms catch me
how it feels like to know your uttermost secret