Feeble, Childish, Half-baked Attempts
I have a confession to make. This might sound silly to some of you because it’s so obvious . Something that has been silently screaming in front of my face this whole time. It took me quite literally a couple of decades to finally decode and accept it. Though, to be fair, one of you could have informed me or at least pointed me to the right direction. You see, I just realised that the little girl inside me—my little compass—that has been screaming for romantic love so loud that Marianne Dashwood herself would envy her actually identified the wrong feeling. She diagnosed it incorrectly. Perhaps due to her childish needy mind—which I absolutely understand that circumstances brought her up to think that way—she did not correctly point out what she wanted . I suppose it is partially my adult self fault because I should have remembered to recenter myself every now and then. A little check in to ensure whether or not little Nadilla’s needs and wants are still our guidance to make future...