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Staying Alive For This:
- European men with razor-sharp cheekbones.
- Rainy days where you can snuggle in with your biggest warmest sweater plus a cup of hot tea with lemon.
- Red lipsticks--and pink/orange/purple lipsticks, lip balms, lip tints, lip products.
- Wild animals on the safari. The cubs and the alpha males, the beautiful females and the grass that surrounds them. The trees that stand so high they create a safe cocoon for the creatures they protect.
- Pink lemonades.
- Printed shirts with your favourite band/movie/tv series/actor
- Scandinavian architecture
- Scandinavian designs
- Scandinavian scenery
- Scandinavian boys
- Patterned carpets.
- Good books.
- Good music.
- Petrichor (see reason number 2).
- Stacks of rings.
- Large shirts over cute underwear.
- Good heels.
- Adventures.
- My past. She deserves a good journey.