Endless love,

Hello mate how are you?
I know the last post was tohtally different from the picture that I upload, hm, no reason, just random thing. I didn't have much thing to do, so I browse up things, including cupcake and things so yeah...
Um, tonight is Sat night, I don't have any plans to go out hanging wif my fwends in PIM or Kemang but, I'm going to my friend's birthday party, her name is Novi, she's 15 on November 5th but her party is today, woof woof I'm waiting for it. She's one of the most mi closest friends at middle school, it's cool to see her wif my other middle school friends; well, she also invite her fwends that mostly I don't know, but it's cool you know.... see yer fwends since five months is a blessing.

Oh oh one other thing! I really am sad today that I can't compete to win Mtv Money Can't Buy, because I'm only 14, the requirement is I have to be 18, so.... yeah, I CAN'T COMPETE. What makes me sad is, it will be one of the coolest thing that ever happened to me. Oh deeeeeeeeear. Help? Can I be 18 for just three days? Then I'll be 14 again, I promise I wont be bad.
a. My native teacher is not Mark anymore. Oui. The Mark. MARK DREWS. The one that from Manchester. Si. The one from England, UK. The one that speaks with Manchester accent :''''''( he's gone now. Because of my seniors. They said they hate him. He looks like Vampire. Vampire? He's nice. Well, he's british if you notice. Some of the British are not good-looking. It's sad you know... he's nice.
But the good-hell-to-the-yes news is the replacement is Andrew. He came form Canada (yeaaay Canada!) he's VERY NICE, VERY ATTRACTIVE, VERY FUNNY, VERY HYPERACTIVE. He's handsome, kinda look like Nicholas Cage but younger. He's only 31! He's the husband of Celine, yes, the nice Celine. They've been married for 5 years. When he said that he's her husband we screamed "Aaaaaaaaaw" and he was acting like a child, lol, hes one cute Canadian guy. AND HE SPEAKS FRENCH SO NICELY. Eh ma Gawd. Also he traveled all over the world; he's nice <3
b. Take That is going to release their new album called The Circus. I just can't wait to buy it. And yes. The Mtv Money Can't Buy is for the Take That Extravaganza. I can be THEIR producer for one day in FRANCE. I can meet THEM and I can talk with them for one day. I REALLY WANT IT SO BAD. But just like I said. I'm still 14. Oh Dear
c. I don't have any senors right now. Um, I don't know, just like Eleny said yesterday "Kenapa ya kalo sma kita ngeliat cowo ganteng tuh biasa aja waktu smp aja cowo ganteng tuh kayanya diagungagungin, tapi sekarang tuh biasa aja, kenapa ya?" Well, I don't have the answer for that but, she's right. I don't have feelings for hot guy anymore. They are gone now. Although they are soooooo freaking hot and ih-resistable but I still don't like them, just adore.
Aaaaand so much things that I want to write. But I have to get ready now. Finding the right outfits taking ages for me, so... ttyl

Perfume and High Heels
Dilute sugar solution
